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Diane von Furstenberg's advice to women on taking charge

Jan 19

2 min read




Diane von Furstenberg and NIMBLE Mindset founder Mariette Wharton
Diane von Furstenberg and NIMBLE Mindset founder Mariette Wharton

This week the World Economic Forum will be recognizing the iconic Diane von Furstenberg for the 2025 Crystal Award for her exceptional contributions to empowering women through philanthropy, mentorship, and social responsibility.

The awards reminds me of an unforgettable gathering with her in late 2019, hosted by mutual friend Anne Wojcicki in Silicon Valley.

Diane shared powerful insights on building confidence and taking charge, and I had my phone out to capture her words. A few minutes into her remarks (here is my video of her), she delivered this truth bomb:

"What does it mean to be a woman in charge? The first thing about being in charge is a commitment to be yourself. It's owning who you are. If you have imperfections, they become your assets. If you own your vulnerability, it becomes your strength. It's all about the relationship you have with yourself. The most important relationship you have in life is the one with yourself..."

Her wisdom on embracing authenticity, integrity, and action resonated deeply with me then—and even more so now. She emphasized how small, intentional actions—connecting, expanding, inspiring, and advocating—can create lasting impact.

Listening to this again today, I realize how much her advice has influenced my own journey in helping other women develop confidence and leadership skills.

Congratulations, Diane von Furstenberg, on the well-deserved 2025 Crystal Award! Your impact is immeasurable, and I look forward to celebrating with you in Davos this week.

🔗 WEF Announcement

#Leadership #WomenInCharge #DianeVonFurstenberg #WEF2025 #Inspiration #Empowerment

More from the gathering with Diane:

"If you want to have a manifesto, you have to have micro steps: Connect, expand, inspire and advocate. Every morning I do two things don't benefit me. You can use email - you don't have to talk to anyone, you don't have to do anything, just concentrate. If I make an introduction for you to someone else, that can change your life. Each one of us, we all have a magic wand. And the more you use your magic wand, the more powerful your magic wand is. That's connect. Then expand. Make sure you expand your universe. Make sure you talk to people that you would never talk to otherwise. Make sure you take the time. You think you do it for them, but really you do it for yourself to expand your universe. And then, inspire. Don't underestimate the power of storytelling and the more you talk to people and share your vulnerability, the more inspiring you are to others. Everyone thinks the person across the room is so much better than them. But it's not true. For them, you are the person across the room. And for advocate, try to fight violence, abuse and inequality. That's it."

Diane von Furstenberg at a pop-up event in Silicon Valley

Jan 19

2 min read